Monday, 27 June 2011


Pacted with country radio listeners OASIS RADIO GROUP driven WBTU (93.3 US) for up to Top 40 WJFC (HOT 107.9)/FORT WAYNE radio Sqn acquisition platform use is.

WBTU offer "Take it and click on" 7p to midnight every night, "radio by the people, for the people," billing it as the leader WJFX use during nights where the audience minute by minute What is the role will shift the phone on the plane on fire.

LDR Pres. DANIEL ANSTANDIG noted, "FORT WAYNE radio listeners have never been given this amount of control over the music on local radio. OASIS RADIO GROUP is breaking new ground for their community, offering hyper-local programming controlled by the audience. We are excited to be a part of the local radio revolution!"

GM PHIL BECKER said, "The OASIS RADIO GROUP prides itself in being a young, progressive and aggressive company. Using the LDR technology continues to move us away from being a company with just transmitters and towers. Who better to select the product than the people who are your consumers? As a industry we need to empower and let go of being 'in control.' DANIEL and his team are a key part of our evolution."

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